14 June 2007

I Love DC!

Wow. Haven't been here for awhile. I missed my blogiversary, birthday, Mother's Day, Earth Day, and probably a lot of patron saint days. I guess it's a good thing I'm not Catholic. However, today is Flag Day! Let's celebrate!

Why I love (am grateful for) living here:

I'm smack in the middle of the East Coast, and there are so many things within a day's drive.

Perfect mix of suburban, rural, and urban - all within 30 minutes.

Weather. Real weather. When it rains, it actually rains!

Southern food and culture

Other great things:

Duck Beach

Cute, new swimsuit

An AWESOME roommate

Newly redecorated house

My birthday didn't totally suck this year

Learning new lessons, and being able to afford the expensive ones

Getting accepted to grad school

Fazookie (trust me, it's good)

Cute hair (and a great hairstylist)

My dancer winning a CAPPIE


Paying things off

Being in charge of me




Boogie boarding

My sister

My parents


Clean laundry

I think that'll do for now. I'll try to blog more in the future. Also, I'd love to know who actually reads this thing, so post a comment and say hi!

Life is good. :)


Nancy said...

I'm glad you posted again...I've been checking. Congrats on getting into grad school!

You look so great! :)

AmandaStretch said...

Thank you Nancy!

marquita chiquita said...

Wow, congrats on grad school! Where are you going and what are you going to be studying?

Just to let you know I also check out your blog^^

and...is that the official spelling of "supercalifragilisticexpialidocius"?

AmandaStretch said...

Thanks! I'm going to be doing an online cohort program with the University of South Carolina for my Masters of Library and Information Science. I actually blame the Heisses. :) Because I was friends with Nancy, I knew her mother, and Andrew told me that I should check with her about a job in the BYU library. Lo and behold, I loved it! But, this was long ago, when Nancy was still in high school and the rest of us were BYU freshman. ;)

That is the official spelling, according to the Broadway version of that song. I performed it with some theatre friends at a banquet recently, and that's why I included it in my blog. The dance has actions to each and every letter. It was so fun!

Heidi said...

See? Your life is pretty good, all things considered. :) Prayers are answered!